Core Team Members


Nick Britton

Director | Producer | Co-Founder

Having worked in tv & film as an actor for the last 10 years, nick tried his hand as a writer director in 2011 with his first script being selected as a 2011 adfest fabulous 4 best director finalist. since then nick has directed and produced short films, music videos a a documentary for the national geographic channel.

Ross Metcalf

Cinematographer | Co-Founder

A specialist at creating smooth cinematic emotive imagery Ross has worked across various genres and currently chooses to focus on TV Commercials, Cinematic Promotional films and narrative films. As a recent finalist in the Australian Fashion Film Awards, D.O.P / operator on several Screenwest funded films and C camera operator on the feature Film "Paper Planes" Ross has experinced a wide variety of shooting situations.

his abilities to adapt to the shoot under pressure and with professionalism are exceptional.

 As a member of the Western Australian ACS branch he keeps active in the cinematography community.

Owner of

Scott wakefield

1st Camera Assistant | Focus Puller

Scotts attention to detail and problem solving abilities are just two traits that have allowed him to excell in his career as a camera assistant. having crewed on a variety of shoots including music videos, screenwest narrative films, TVC commercials & over 100 actor show reels, scott has clocked in many hours refining his craft and is a valuable asset on production days.