Director: Matt Pitcher
Athlete: Sinta Wardana
Short Form Story
Transit/transitions etc: (massively dependent on what you decide story is Matt):
Shot ideas:
- Puddles/rain
- Reflections
- Street skape Running
- Pulling up to a stop (from running) and we see a closer Face shot
- Car park circulating..
- Close focus on wet window
- Roof Light in tunnel (I have footage of this in Spanish doc)
- Through Tunnel in car
- Tunnel underpass Near UWA or other tunnels
- Under the freo bridge, looking up
- Freo port & gravel/BG cranes and
- Stuck in traffic.
- Front shot into car, partial reflections of passing by tress and clouds.
- Her looking outside side window with partial reflections (window is held down etc)
- Up hill battle - camera pivot / roll outs to make the cut, might work nice at Scarborough High rise car park.
- Scarbs high rise car park
- From the curvy bridge at Elizabeth key with city in BG.
- upside down shot to shadow.
- Entertainment centre LED’s
- Wellington street has some tall building in BG that have multi coloured LED’s.
Time of Day:
Various, location dependent
Possible Cast:
- Sinta
Multiple TBD
Gaffer kit:
Lighting Diagrams:
- AC?
- Car mount
- Ronin
- Vibration isolator
- Easy Rig & Serene
Camera kit:
- Epic W Camera
- Anamorphic Lenses
Cinematography Keys:
- Time of day
- Wide shots
- Low down and tilt up
- Placing her in and around structures and having her weave and pas through obstacles.
- Graduated darker sky’s for low light shots
- Location location location
- Colour pallets
- Horizon lines/power play
- Shoot sequences